I had already sunken a good few hours into the PS4 edition and taken quite a few screenshots along the way, so rather than seeing it as an inconvenience, I saw this as an opportunity to strap in again and do a direct comparison while trying out alternate methods and routes for clearing the objectives. I was quite disheartened at first and reached out to them via their Twitter page for clarification, but to be fair, countless users had already queried this and had been told the same thing repeatedly "It was not possible to use your PS4 save on the PS5 version". Instead, you can click the "." button and select the PS4 version of the product to find your current trophy and progress status for that version.

Let's get the elephant in the room addressed immediately: you cannot use your existing PS4 save with the PS5 "upgrade" once you have installed it.
I would have been barmy not to take up this offer, and not look at the differences, because after all, this update is free.
What began as a PS4-game-played-on-PS5-review, evolved into a PS5 review on the 24th when CI Games released the free upgrade for PlayStation 5 users. I love the feeling of long-distance stealth and the idea that no one can pinpoint where I am and where my last shot came from. I have played every single version of every single sniper game I could get my grubby mitts on, and still, I find an unrelenting urge to play more, newer, shinier games that feature sniping and tactical cover.

As many of you may have realised by now, I love sniping games.